Are you looking for a proven, flexible and exciting programme for teaching social skills, self-regulation and relationship development?

Are you looking for a programme that empowers, engages and enlightens young and old?
Welcome to the Rock and Water Programme.

He aha te mea nui o te ao. He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata

What is the most important thing in the world? It is people, it is people, it is people.

Rock and Water Programme New Zealand

The Rock and Water Programme:
  • Holistic Aproach – physical in nature, the programme uses  games and exercises to develop awareness and wellbeing through strong physical and emotional awareness (mindfulness and much more!), mental strength (including practical and effective strategies for developing and maintaining positive mental health, reduction of anxiety, resilience) and social competency (communication skills, assertiveness, dealing with bullying/violence, acceptance of others etc).
  • Empowerment – used to develop vital covid coping skills such as social skills, self-control, self-confidence, emotional awareness, resilience, self-respect and self-realisation for students and adults – Hauora through Action!
  • Evidence-based – scientifically proven programme grounded in evidence-based practices and psychological theories. Research shows the programme helps to reduce anxiety, reduce depressive symptoms, and increase self-confidence.
  • Inclusivity – promoties inclusivity and respect for diversity. It emphasizes the principles of non-violence, empathy and understanding, fostering positive relationships and a sense of belonging amongst participants.
  • Long term impact – the programme aims to have a lasting impact on participants’ lives. The focus on personal development contributes to long-term wellbeing and social cohesion.
  • 2024 Training Workshop registrations and enquiries now being taken. Dates here – more to come.

Rock and Water New Zealand Ltd provide training workshops for educators (Primary and Secondary teachers, teacher aides, RTLB, Special Education professionals, social workers, police officers, youth workers, counselors etc),

We specialise in  whole staff training for schools and NGOs.

Supported by the NZ Ministry of Education (including the funding of special projects and Teacher Aide Professional Learning and Development Fund – Open Category).

Various comprehensive research projects have highlighted benefits for children of Primary and Secondary school ages.

Rock and Water New Zealand double koru logo

Rock and Water New Zealand Ltd is proud to work in conjunction with the international Gadaku Institute. We are the sole providers of training for educators and organisations wanting to run Rock and Water Programmes in New Zealand.


A four year study of the effects of Rock and Water delivered to students (age 11-13) at pre-vocational colleges in The Netherlands was published in Journal of School Psychology (volume 92-2022). Students at pre-vocational colleges are considered to have a higher propensity for behavioural, social skill and risk-taking problems. The study, in which 1,299 students participated, took place between 2016 and 2020 and was carried out by the University of Utrecht (in the Netherlands).

Results show that students who have had the R&W intervention show better development on multiple outcomes in both the interpersonal domain (aggression) and the intrapersonal domain (psychological well-being, sexual autonomy, internalizing behaviour) and on secondary outcome measures (self-control and emotion regulation), compared to the students who did not receive the R&W intervention.

The outcomes were strongest when a core team of teachers was involved in the implementation of the intervention. The dissertation can be found here.

Primary School research:

A comparison study focusing on children aged 7-14 and carried out by the University of Utrecht (published April 2019) can be found here.

BRAND NEW POSTERS NOW AVAILABLE – check out the new A2-sized poster set for Primary/Intermediate Schools on the Resources page

Social Safety Development

Self-Confidence • Self-Awareness • Self-Realisation

Rock and Water develops empowerment for the participants; connects them to their own strength and feelings, beliefs and values. Participants develop self-confidence and understand they always have a choice in any situation – a Rock action or a Water action – and that the outcome will be influenced by their choice. The programme develops respect (manaakitanga), caring (whanaungatanga) and solidarity (kotahitanga), using exciting games and exercises to engage, enlighten and empower. Rock and Water is an incredibly flexible programme and is used in a multitude of ways to meet the specific needs of whole schools and organisations, classes, small groups or individuals:

  • a powerful social skills/relationship/resiliency development programme
  • focus on emotional awareness and mental health
  • to develop a very effective anti-violence / anti-bullying toolkit
  • can help all students (including those with ASD, special needs etc) to reduce anxiety
  • to develop positive, healthy education and work environments
  • to further enhance the progress made with programmes such as PB4L in schools (bring your values and expectations alive for your students)
  • it creates a real awareness for educators about how they interact and communicate with our young people.
Research by Rutgers WPF and the Trimbos Institute (peer reviewed and published in the international Journal of Sexual Aggression, April 2015) has shown that the psychophysical resilience programme Rock and Water helps to boost self-confidence, curb impulsive behaviour and deter sexually transgressive behaviour in boys. The whole article can be found HERE

Recent Training Feedback:

” I can’t wait to bring this to my home and school. I would encourage the other staff to also participate in this program” Area School teacher, January 2023.

“Be great to get this in to teacher training colleges” RTLB Co-ordinator, January 2023.

“I can use and teach the skills to clients in out mental helath service” Community Mental Health Worker, January 2023.

2024 Training Workshops for Educators
We are now taking registrations for 2024 workshops.


March 21-23 2024                                     Hamilton, Tuu Oho Mai Services, 135 London St                          REGISTER NOW

November 21-23 2024 (new date)           Wellington, Tawa Intermediate                                                         REGISTER NOW


September 26-27                                        Hamilton, Tuu Oho Mai Services, 135 London St                         REGISTER NOW


Dates TBC. Contact us if you would like details of our in-house workshops or would like an 

Introductory training in your area. 

one boy holding up another student as he leans on him - needs to be strong and focused to do it.
Happy trainees showing their certificates
Two females preparing to find their strength and face a challenge